A. What is IoT The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machinery, items, animals, or people…
Latest posts - Page 10
Cloud-Based App Development: Its Scope For The Future
Cloud computing is a rage in the present business landscape. Several reports state that with the expansion of business mobile applications, storage capacity and…
How To Hire The Perfect Mobile App Developer
Studies show that the global mobile workforce is expected to reach 1.8 billion people by 2022. That’s almost 42% of the total workforce in…
Your Guide To Hiring A Front-end Developer
A. Why To Hire Front-end Developer Front-end development is a specialization of software development where the front-end of a website i.e the part users…
Career Prospects In Software Testing
A. What Is Software Testing Software Testing is a process of verifying a computer system/program to decide whether it meets the specified requirements and…
Hiring In-House VS Outsourcing Developers: What Should You Pick And Why?
A. In-House Developers In-house development enables your organization to build its own team from scratch. This lets you fill-up the necessary positions based on…
How Can Hiring Managers Use Personality Test In Recruitment
Hiring managers have situations in which candidates nail every step of the interview process and the job seems perfectly suited to them – until…
Skills Required To Become A Blockchain Developer
A blockchain is essentially a decentralized database that is managed by computers across a peer-to-peer network. The blockchain eliminates any single points of failure…
Technical Skills To Look For While Hiring A Software Developer
Unlike some other professional jobs, the demand for software developers is very high. As they operate the main engine room of any organization’s software…
UX Design – Scope Of UX Design And Available Courses
User experience design is a multifaceted concept that includes different dimensions like interaction design, information architecture, visual design, usability, and user-computer interaction. UX design…