Golang (Or Go) is an open-source compiled programming language used to build simple, systematic, and secure software. It was developed by Google in 2007 and has readily been adopted in the global tech world. Developers today need an efficient Go framework to be the best in web development. These frameworks are not required when building small applications but are required when building production-level software. The framework provides additional functionalities and services which can be used when building software saving other developers heaps of time in writing full-fledged software on their own. Go Developers are thriving on their skills in programming languages. Some of the most popular Go Framework are as listed below:
▪️ GIN
Gin Framework is the favorite developer framework due to its minimalism and performance. It is rightly named after a drink as it features a martini-like API. It is mostly used for building a REST API for the backend if the programmer wants to develop a single-page application using a frontend framework. It is known for its
- Fast Performance. It is believed to be 40 times faster than Martini Framework. Radix Tree-based routing, smaller memory footprint. No reflection. Predictable API performance.
- JSON Validation. The best feature of the GIN framework is it can parse and validate the JSON of a request, checking, for example, the existence of a required value.
- Error Management. It gives an easy way to collect all the errors that occurred during an HTTP
▪️ Beego
The beego framework is responsible for the rapid development of REST API, rest applications, and backend services in Golang. It is very popular and known to be a framework that is quite similar to DJango framework and has some features of Golang such as interface and embedding.
Furthermore, it is divided into eight modules that can either be ignored or used as required. It integrates the Object-Relationship Map (ORM) that helps with organizing the application’s database along with session handling tools and logging systems. Not only this, but it also incorporates a cache handler and libraries for operating HTTP elements. Another great feature is that it works well with command-line tools, in a similar way to how Django uses the command line.
The only con beego has is that due to its high functionality and extensive features, it is not so suitable for beginners. Its basic features include
- Easy to use: Its features such as hot compile, automated testing, and automated packaging and deploying make it easy to use.
- Intelligent: It’s an intelligent framework that provides you full control over your online apps
- Modular: It builds a powerful foundation for any type of application
High performance: A beego framework can handle massive traffic as they do in many productions.

▪️ Echo
The echo framework used in Go is another high-performance, extensible, and minimalist web framework in Golang. It has a highly optimized HTTP router with zero dynamic memory allocation that smartly prioritizes routes. It is used to build robust and scalable REST APIs, which can easily be organized into groups. It automatically installs TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt and provides HTTP/2 support which improves the speed and provides a better user experience. It also contains many built-in middlewares to use and developers can even define their own which can be set at a root, group, or route level. The feature of Echo Framework is
- Optimized router: The HTTP router is highly optimized with zero dynamic memory allocation resulting in smartly prioritizing routes
- Extensible: It’s an easily extendable API
- Templates: Templates rendering is made easy using a Template engine
- HTTP/2: This provides it with better speed and user experience.
- Automatic TLS: installs TLS certificate automatically from Let’s Encrypt
▪️ Kit
The Kit framework is a programming toolkit for building robust, high-performance, reliable and maintainable microservices in Golang.
The kit framework provides Remote Procedure Call (RPC) safety, system observability, and infrastructure integration. It is composed of multiple correlated packages that together form an opinionated framework for constructing large Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and makes Golang a first-class language for writing microservices in any organization. It was designed for interoperability and the developers are free to choose the databases, components, platforms, and architecture that works best for them.
The drawback of using go-kit is that due to its heavy use of interfaces, the overhead of adding API to the service is very high.
Some of the features include:
- Easy to Learn, Easy to Master & Easy to Maintain
- Highly efficient concurrency
RPC safety, system observability, infrastructure integration, and even program design — Go kit fills in the gaps left by the standard library and makes Go a first-class language for writing microservices in any organization.

▪️ Fasthttp
The fasthttp framework provides a fast HTTP server and client API which was made as an alternative to net/http due to its limits on optimization opportunities.
Fasthttp provides the following features:
- Optimized for speed. Fast HTTP Easily handles more than 100K qps and more than 1M concurrent keep-alive connections on modern hardware.
- Custom Made for low memory usage.
- Helps with easy ‘Connection: Upgrade’ support via RequestCtx.Hijack.
Fasthttp API is designed with the ability to extend existing client and server implementations or to write custom client and server implementations from scratch.